Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Day 148

Spent the last day in Japan in a little bit of a daze and a little bit of a dodgy tummy...too much sake! Takako showed me the bright lights of Shinjuku and we spent ages putting 100 yen coins into slot machines so we could get a cute little toy ;o) It's so addictive! We finished off at a korean restaurant - it's a very japanese thing to do - honest! Have had a truly lovely time in Japan - lots of people watching (geishas, samurai and sumo wrestlers included), waiting for cherry blossoms, train stations, trips to the police station, good shopping and great food. Thanks, Takako - you really helped me feel at home ;o) Next time I'm staying longer - for those promised hot springs, a wander around your home town, the islands, learn to use a samurai sword and maybe this time see Mount Fuji.

On the subway home (and on time for my curfew) I sat next to a pissed as a fart guy who kept dropping his head back and snoring loudly...thought it was the perfect thing to be bringing me back down to earth and home.

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