Monday, July 05, 2010

Getting away from the city...

Toronto Island (21), originally uploaded by LunaModule.

But not really that far - Toronto Island, got to be my favourite place in T.O. after Kensington market.

The first time I met up with my housemate and his friends - walking through the island with snowing dandelion fluff making it all look rather magical. After food at the cafe on Ward's Island (made me feel like I was in a surf shack), we headed down to St Andrew's by the Lake to catch a gig - all very lovely.

I visited again with new friend Lucie - we biked around to check out the small village and various beaches (sadly didn't make it to the clothing optional beach!) and then to pick up a canoe for a wander around the lake. We went to the marina after for a burger and beers by the water and in the sunshine - bliss! Ended up being invited to someone's boat on the island for wine, cheese and crackers and watching the sunset whilst listening to some blues. Really, just perfect ;o) I really, really want to live on a boat now! Plus I got to meet a Newfoundlander which was exciting. I'd heard so much about howsuper friendly they are and they sound more like they're irish. All true!

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