Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I see white people

Travelling around the Philippines...away from family and on our own (watching out for bad people), it's been the most bizarre thing seeing white people!! I know from previous holidays here that westerners'll get stared at. Carly's not done too badly, although when she told someone she was from England they did ask her why she wasn't blonde! Even I've started staring at the few white people we've seen.

Where to spot white people...

Borocay Island - big tourist hotspot for the Philippines (unfortunately, they do tend to be older, ugle, balding white men with young filipino girls on their arms)

Baguio City - North of the Philippines and almost swiss like because of its location high in the mountains

The Rice Terraces - Also in the mountain provinces - and for the more curious white traveller looking for a bit of adventure, some tribal action and...rice!

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