Be careful what you wish for! A week travelling around Cambodia so far and have visited Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and now Sihanoukville. Already, everyone knows we'll be off to Kampot and Kep before getting back to Phnom Penh for the bus to Vietnam.
It was a bit of a shock coming from the Philippines where you really had to figure out how to do things and get around (the same way as everyone else who weren't tourists! Though we did occasionally get rescued by uncle Narsing with Erwin or Raymond as our guide/bad guy watcher - what will we do without you?!!)
On arrival in Siem Reap and a chat with the moto driver (Mr Man) and he knew before we did what route we'd be travelling around Cambodia. In Phnom Penh, ALL the guesthouses and hotels can organise your visas to Vietnam, onward bus to Sihanoukville, the Killing Fields and to Saigon - even your visa to Israel! We've spotted fellow travellers from Siem Reap all the way to Sihanoukville doing exactly the same as us (including a girl who, when we all had to get on another bus as the bus we were trying to get on was full, said 'that bus was full of thai people anyway'...her friend had to correct her and say she meant cambodian people! We just groaned and moved seats to the back so we wouldn't have to listen to them).
So how to avoid the well travelled route??? I have absolutely no idea. If you can help, however, feel free to let us know!
Vietnam's next. (And for their new year celebrations for Tet, v.excited!!)
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