Sunday, January 02, 2005


Nobody in the Philippines gets called by their real name. Everyone has a nickname.

When I was living here, I was called Dessang (taken from my middle name Londessa). The letters 'ng' get added to a lot of names as well as being v. common in the language. Names also get repeated like Ron Ron (usually for Junior)

Other name changes:

John - John John
Jenalyn - Jena
Kriss Angelyn - Gelyn
Eurica Anne - EA
Dean Martin - DM or Ding
Narciso - Narsing
Emmanuel - Manny
Raymond - Mond
Rowena - Weng
Auroroa - Au Au (but sounds like Ow Ow)
Krischielle - KC or Ganda (short for maganda which means beautiful)

There are hundreds more like - Bing and Bong but can't remember what the real names are anymore!

Strangely enough the only person we've come across that gets called by their proper name is a guy called Rocky. We now like to call him Rocky Road though.

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